Rishi Children's Fund

Warli art by Rishi Shet

Thank you for thinking about contributing to the Rishi Children's Fund, aimed at supporting disadvantaged children in honor of Rishi’s vision for them.The Rishi Children's Fund supports programs that enable orphan and vulnerable children to lead healthy enriched lives and positively impact their communities by becoming role models and advocates of change.
HOW TO GIVEOnline transaction (credit card or US bank account)Please go to GiveCampus - Rishi Children's Fund.
Alternate site
  1. Please go to https://secure.jhu.edu/form/jhsph.
  2. Use the "Please designate my gift to support" drop-down box to select "Other (please specify)".
  3. In the text box that appears, enter "Rishi Children's Fund".
  4. After entering the gift amount, select "Continue as Guest".
  5. Complete donor and payment information.

Check (US Only)
  1. Make your check payable to "Johns Hopkins University" and write "Rishi Children's Fund" in the memo field.
  2. Mail your check to:
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Office of External Affairs, 615 N. Wolfe Street E2132, Baltimore, MD 21205
If you need assistance with making a donation, please contact info@rishishet.com.